Real problems, real answers. Moheda will participate as an exhibitor in Tecma
The TECMA Fair (International Fair of Urbanism and Environment) proposes tangible answers to the main managers of the cities, turning this meeting into an exchange of good practices, ideas and positive real experiences, which contribute to solve and improve the environmental problems of citizens. It will be held from June 18 to 20 at IFEMA in Madrid.
We feel very attached to the approaches of this Fair, considering it an excellent opportunity to share concerns that all of us who seek not only to take care of the planet, but also to offer real solutions to the environmental challenges posed by life in cities. Real problems, real answers.
If you are going to attend TECMA, we will be waiting for you there, we will participate as exhibitors to share our proposals and our new generation products, where our biocompostable bags will have a special role.

It will be an excellent time to say hello and chat.
At Moheda, we reduce, reuse and recycle. We are at the forefront in providing solutions to plastic pollution, reducing by more than 60% the raw material used in the production of bags and creating biocompostable bags that do not generate any waste. Recycled and biocompostable plastics account for 85% of our production. And our investment in R&D is constant.

This is endorsed by the most important environmental and quality certifications that we have been receiving, being BLUE ANGEL, the last one we have achieved, which certifies that 80% of our plastics are of POST-CONSUMER origin (yellow container).
We also achieve another fundamental objective for us, which is to maintain the consistency and reliability of our bags. In other words, we pursue and achieve the highest quality.
This is how we work.