Certifications and registrations

According to the RAE, certification is: 1. The action and effect of certifying or 2. Document in which the truth of a fact is assured.

For us, a certification is the commitment to satisfy human needs without compromising present needs or those of future generations. It is to ensure a balance between social, environmental and economic well-being. It means not exhausting available resources, not turning unlimited resources into limited ones.

Our sustainability and management certifications conserve the planet's natural environments and living beings by taking care of the processes, services and products we manufacture. That is why we are committed to a certified future, where sustainability and quality of life are the main axis of society.

At MohedaGroup, we have it clear. We offer a much more sustainable alternative than others, as we reduce the environmental impact and opt for processes and materials that are more respectful of our environment. We guarantee the best results and the highest product quality, as a result of an effort to offer the highest and strictest standards of sustainability and quality. And we do not say it ourselves, the following certificates and registrations endorse us:


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