World Single-Use Plastic Bag-Free Day
What if the bags we get in stores did not generate any plastic waste?
What if they were made of compostable materials that degrade in the environment?
What if these bags had high strength and durability, making them hardly distinguishable from traditional bags made of plastic?

Well, those bags are here, the future is here. Through a continuous process of research and product development, Moheda has managed to manufacture bags that do not produce plastic waste, compostable bags that degrade in nature just like a banana peel.
They are the so-called Cassiari bags and come to solve, in a real and effective way, the great problem of plastic pollution, becoming the truly sustainable option.

But this commitment to environmental conservation, Mohedagroup's hallmark, is not only here. The company also carries out an extraordinary recycling effort. It collects, as we have already pointed out on other occasions, more than 7 million kilos of plastic every year. Once this plastic is recycled, Moheda converts it into garbage bags that are reused over and over again, thus achieving an infinite recycling to reverse the proliferation of this type of waste.
As Mohedagroup's philosophy states:
"We have always believed that it is possible to do things better, just by changing our mentality and the way we work. That is why every day we challenge ourselves to improve in energy and resource saving, promoting production techniques that balance economic growth, environmental care and social welfare".