"Vital Interpreter". A short film that aims to stir consciences, Moheda is a Platinum Sponsor (highest category).

"Intérprete vital", a story by Óscar S. Vaquero, has achieved the first of its goals, to get the necessary contributions in the Crowdfunding they launched, to make their short film project a reality. In fact, they surpassed the minimum goal, even the optimal one. With more than 190 contributors, the filming and the whole subsequent process until it reaches a movie theater are guaranteed.
Mohedagroup wanted to join this project and wanted to do so as a Platinum Sponsor, the highest category, because we believe that such proposals are essential to make this world a better place.
"Intérprete vital" shows a little known professional profile. Through Ángela's character, we will get to know closely how these professionals empathize and work with people with cognitive functional diversity who do not have oral language. A reality that is worth showing and making visible, to understand it and thus achieve their integration and coexistence in our society. In this aspect, in Moheda we feel that we are rowing in the same direction, it is in our DNA that everything can be improved, so we do not hesitate to fervently support this film project.

Through a narrative visual metaphor, the actress Rosalía Omil, directed by the filmmaker Oscar S. Vaquero, will help us realize how we push people with this problem aside and make them invisible. Although they are not able to speak, they express their feelings in another way and it is, in this case, a "vital interpreter", who will be able to unravel them, discovering all that they can bring to us: their sensitivity, their clean and unprejudiced look, their affection...
Óscar S. Vaquero, besides being the director of the short film, is the producer of Clowncinema, a production company that has years of experience developing short films, productions and workshops in educational centers. Exposing contents of social themes of various kinds.
It has been distinguished with several awards: the Audience Award in the recent XIV edition of the RTVE Platinum Crowdfunding Short Film Contest or its award as finalist in the prestigious educational awards MENTES AMI, from the ATRESMEDIA Foundation.
On this occasion, for the short film "Interprete vital", they have managed to stir consciences in their Crowdfunding campaign, getting a great response from the sponsors, among them Mohedagroup, which is listed in the main category as Platinum Sponsor. Now they are ready to make the short film a reality and move the sensibility of the viewers.
For Mohedagroup it is not the first solidarity experience. Since 2009 we have been collaborating with the occupational workshops of San Juan de Dios, and in the most difficult moments of the COVID19 pandemic, we donated enough material to make gowns for the health workers through the Pablo Horstmann Foundation.
We are also active collaborators with Mensajeros de la Paz. From Moheda we believe that a better world is the best legacy we can leave to our children. Now, we wish all the success to "Intérprete vital", it deserves it.