Key issues on the sustainability agenda

Sustainability is a goal that should concern and occupy us all as a society as a whole. Companies have a fundamental role to play in achieving these objectives. At Moheda Groupwe are clearly and consciously committed to sustainability. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the goal we are pursuing with their fulfilment and implementation in the short term.
A commitment for business
Businesses are one of the key players in achieving sustainability. But in addition to the commitment and corporate social responsibility involved, achieving efficiency in products and services is profitable for companies.
The Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN are 17 global and specific goals that set the sustainable agenda worldwide. The aim is to achieve these goals in the next 15 years, with the points aimed at improving the fulfilment of human rights, eradicating poverty and gender equality, and the goals aimed at protecting the environment standing out. The vision is global, as it pursues the protection of ecosystems, water sanitation, the massive implementation of clean energy and the creation of sustainable cities and ecosystems, among other aspects.
For companies, there are several fundamental objectives such as the implementation of equal and fair work systems, innovation in industry and the implementation of climate action that fully touches the activity of companies, which must manage to curb emissions and achieve a smaller and smaller carbon footprint. Moheda Group's commitment, and what we are working towards, is to achieve these objectives set by the UN in the short term.
Sustainability is a means not an end
We hear a lot about sustainability. It is a concept that is permeating society, but sometimes we perceive it as an abstract entity without really understanding what it means.
Sustainability is not only about environmental protection, it is a term that goes far beyond that. It is based on three fundamental aspects: the environment, human capital and the development of the economy.
These three points make up the true sustainability policy of a company and this is what we are fulfilling at Moheda Group. Thanks to our commitment to innovation and the exhaustive control of our production processes, we comply with the most demanding regulations. Thanks to the experience of the professionals who form part of Moheda Group, we have obtained the certificates that demonstrate our high standards of sustainability and quality, in accordance with the most demanding current regulations.
Thus, at Moheda Group we have implemented all the necessary regulations to obtain the following certificates:
Emas Certification
It assesses the environmental impact to enable companies to improve their processes, from a transparency perspective.
ISO 9001
Essential standards for product and service quality management
ISO 14001
This certification demonstrates the environmental commitment of companies and the proper management of environmental risks.
Ok compost Home
Ensures that home composting is biodegradable.
Ok Industrial Compost
Certification of industrial composting processes, which are carried out at higher temperatures.
Carbon Footprint
This certification follows the international standard for measuring carbon footprint.
We are members of Ecoembes and are certified as such.
Companies cannot lag behind in their sustainability policies. Even less so when the pandemic has led consumers to a change of mentality in which more conscious consumption is a priority. Moheda Group, aware of society's new demands, has turned sustainability into a cross-cutting theme for the company, creating sustainable products, using local resources and optimising the use of raw materials.