Moheda Group x Mensajeros de la Paz

Moheda Group inaugurates the Mensajeros de la Paz Christmas basket by donating 2,000 kilos of non-perishable goods.

At Moheda Group we have been committed since our beginnings to people in need. We do this because we know that together it is easier to get ahead. And now, more than ever. This year 2020 we have been proud to be the first company to join the Great Christmas Basket of Father Angel, an initiative of Mensajeros de la Paz to donate to the tens of thousands of families who are fed every day thanks to the Food Bank.

"It is not possible for anyone to deny that at this time, in Madrid, there are people who are going hungry", said Father Ángel last Friday while he helped to place, together with our team and some journalists, the more than 2,000 kg that Moheda Group has been able to deliver thanks to the trust of our customers, suppliers and all the companies and collaborators who accompany us on this journey. And now, helping is more important than ever: "I see it here, in the Church of San Antón, in the breakfasts that we give to NGOs, religious congregations, social canteens or neighbourhood associations.... I have never seen so many people waiting to eat".

"I've never seen so many people waiting to eat.

"Aware of the urgent need of many people in Madrid, last Friday, our group made the first donation. We, who started from nothing, wanted to contribute our grain of sand to help all these people who are now having a hard time. We encourage all companies and citizens to collaborate with this solidarity project of Mensajeros de la Paz.. Together we can make this Christmas special". This is what Jesús Daza, director of the group, has indicated, who has also asked: "everyone who can help, should help, as there are many families who are going to have a very hard Christmas and it is the least we can do".

Jesús Daza, "Together we can make this Christmas special".

Moheda Group is a family business group that manufactures and distributes bags/rolls and foils, urban furniture, aluminium foil and film, domestic and industrial cellulose. It is proud of its social activity and, in the worst moments of the pandemic, was one of the first firms to donate material to organisations throughout Spain, such as the IFEMA Hospital: more than 4,000 kilos of material for the creation of gowns for health workers, drugstore and cleaning products.