Mohedagroup, a good example of how to make economic profitability compatible with care for the environment. Interview with Jesús Daza

The EFE Agency 's environmental radio program, Mangas Verdes, interviewed Jesús Daza to explain Moheda's objectives and challenges, based on a clear vocation for the conservation of nature.

In this interview, Jesús Daza talked about Moheda's beginnings, at a time when the process of plastic recycling and its recovery as a material for the production of new products was taking its first steps.

From a clear entrepreneurial vision and based on the research of existing plastic materials, over the years they have been perfecting recycled and recyclable bags that have become a new generation product.

During the talk, Jesús Daza was able to give an account of the balance they have achieved between production, energy savings, profitability and sustainability. 

The problem with plastic, in the words of Jesús Daza, is that human beings are not capable of managing it well, an issue on which the EFE journalist agreed. Reduce, reuse and recycle is the answer. For Moheda, landfills, yellow containers and post-industrial plastic become a continuous source of material that can be recycled an infinite number of times, without the need to exploit new raw materials. 

Compostable bags were another aspect addressed in this interview. Jesús Daza commented that this is the material of the future, the one that offers the possibility of disappearing by becoming compost. He also commented how, at the beginning of his business venture, in 2008, the usual manufacturers did not believe in compostable bags, they did not trust that users would use them. Now, according to Jesús Daza, it is one of the most demanded products.

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